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Clarkson University professor Shen Hongdao visits IWHR and lectures on river ice process modeling
Time: 2017-08-31 | Hits:

Prof. Shen Hongdao, a world-famous ice engineering expert of the U.S.-based Clarkson University, paid a visit to IWHR and delivered a lecture on river ice process modeling at the institute’s Global Vision Forum, a platform for inviting world-class scholars and experts to give academic lectures, on August 28, 2017. Vice President Liu Zhiping presided over the Global Vision Forum.

说明: http://www.iwhr.com/zgskyww/rootimages/2017/08/29/20170829140549370.jpg

Liu Zhiping extended a warm welcome to Prof. Shen Hongdao. He recalled Prof. Shen Hongdao’s first visit to IWHR in the 1980s and his close cooperation and deep friendship with IWHR. Prof. Shen has been always committed to the research of cold regions engineering, sea ice and river ice dynamics, and was the director of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Clarkson University, Chairman of IAHR Ice Research and Engineering Committee and Chief Editor of the Journal of Cold Regions Engineering.

Prof. Shen made a report on Modeling River Ice Processes -- Formulation and Application. He introduced the river ice problems he and his research team had encountered in engineering construction and management over the past 30 years, revealed the formulation causes, location, time and change mechanism of different river ice conditions in ice cover, ground ice and ice dam, and analyzed river hydraulic characteristics, hydrological characteristics and change characteristics of sediment and wildlife habitat curve, which helped remove a great number of actual engineering problems.

The report aroused great interest among the audience, and they had heated discussions on ice condition simulation, mathematical modeling and model application. Those present at the forum were profoundly impressed by the rigorous, practical and steadfast research style of Prof. Shen.

说明: http://www.iwhr.com/zgskyww/rootimages/2017/08/29/1499910850842692-1499910850844957.jpg

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